Learning through Landscapes

Copies of the Learning Through Landscapes evaluation report of 'My School, My Planet' designed by Studio Quercus

We love Learning through Landscapes, the UK’s leading outdoor learning and play charity. They help children and young people to connect with nature, become more active, learn outdoors and have fun.

The 'My School, My Planet' report designed by Studio Quercus open to a page showing infographics

The charity approached us to design a report by the Centre for Education and Youth evaluating Learning Through Landscape’s ‘My School, My Planet’, a project piloted in 49 schools across the UK from September to November 2020.

A range of pages from inside the 'My School, My Planet' evaluation report designed by Studio Quercus

Learn more about our friends at Learning Through Landscapes: ltl.org.uk

Tom was a pleasure to work with, his ideas and attention to detail brought the report to life. We're proud of what we do, and Studio Quercus’s work gave us something to feel especially proud of.

Rebecca Head, Communications & Digital Campaign Lead, Learning through Landscapes


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